Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Walking Worthy

Are we willing to honor a living Saviour the way we honor deceased soldiers?
Colossians 1:10, “That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing…”
There is often debate amongst Christians about “standards of living” and there is a pervasive thought among Christians today that says, “I will do as I please, because I am under grace.” Whether in music, dress, lifestyle, entertainment, or even morals—many have adopted a “have it your way” brand of Christian living under the guise that God only cares about our hearts.
The fault in this thinking is that God gives such clear biblical instruction on our lifestyle—commanding us to live and walk godliness and holiness. This is called integrity—authenticity—being the same on the outside as you are on the inside. A godly heart should produce a godly lifestyle—a life that truly “walks worthy.” Yet, in this day, many Christians disregard their calling that they might “live unto themselves” (2 Cor. 5:15).
Take for example the guards that are on duty at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery near Washington DC. You might be amazed at the sacrifice and requirements that the Army has placed on all those who would serve in the sacred capacity of guarding the tomb. This position of service is no small responsibility or honor, and with it comes a great degree of personal commitment. These are some of the requirements for tomb guards:
 Guards are required to memorize 16 pages of information about Arlington Cemetery.
 Guards are required to know the locations and names of 300 graves.
 Guards are required to shave twice daily.
 Guards cut their hair every two days—on their off day.
 Guards are required to pass a 100 question test, a uniform test, and a guard change sequence test.
 The badge awarded after passing the test can be revoked if guards ever dishonor their oath.
 Guards must be between 5′10″ and 6′2″ in height.
 A guard’s waste size cannot exceed 30 inches.
 Guards must commit two years of their lives to guard the tomb.
 During their service, guards must live in barracks under the tomb.
 Guards cannot drink alcohol on or off duty for the rest of their lives.
 Guards make a vow not to swear in public for the rest of their lives.
 During his first six months, a guard cannot speak to anyone or watch TV.
 Off duty time is spent studying the 175 notable people laid to rest in Arlington.
 Guards take five to six hours to prepare their uniforms.
 A guard’s uniform must be completely free of wrinkles, folds, or lint.
 A guard’s uniform is solid wool and is worn year-round regardless of temperature.
 Guards are on duty regardless of weather conditions (including hurricanes).
 There is a meticulous 21 step ritual with a 21 second pause that is carefully repeated.
 There is a detailed changing of the guard procedure that is followed precisely
 The procedures are followed whether spectators are viewing or not
Isn’t it interesting that the army would see TV, cursing, and alcohol as dishonorable to a tomb guard. What a stark contrast to the spirit of modern day Christians in the army of the Lord. It should be convicting to think that these honorable men would make such an oath and pay such a price to “walk worthy” of their calling—all to guard the tomb of a deceased soldier. Should we not then be willing to “walk worthy of our calling” for a living Saviour!?
May God help us to recognize the high calling and responsibility that we have to be His ambassadors on this earth! May we represent Him—not as we please, but as He pleases.
2 Timothy 2:4, ”No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.”
1 Thessalonians 2:12, “That ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory.”

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Lord Is Our Light

Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Often we are reminded of light’s importance when the electricity fails during the night and we are forced to stumble around in the dark. Once we find a flashlight, however, we maneuver through the house with greater confidence and certainty than before. In a similar way, God is our light, illuminating our way and alerting us to potential danger around us. His light reveals our sin as well, so that we may confess it and find forgiveness. As the Lord’s brilliant presence floods our soul, it dispels the darkness of our doubt and despair, and we receive confidence in our Lord and Savior. May we praise God that He is our light and our salvation.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Ten Ways To Renew Your Spirit

Ever get depleted? Ever reach the bottom of the barrel when it comes to spiritual energy or passion?
Don’t overreact! It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re doing all the wrong things with your life.
You’re faith is probably still alive and well. There’s no need to go AWOL. Don’t start doubting every good decision or direction in your life.
You probably just need to restore—to let God revive your spirit. God’s Word is filled with ways to find new strength and to renew your spirit. Here is a quick glimpse at ten of them:

1. Walk with God—nothing will restore your soul like time with God. Find a place where you can have quiet and calm. No distractions, no time-limits, no pre-planned structure, no agenda—just be with Him. Get outdoors and literally walk—with God. This will change your perspective on nearly everything! (Gen. 6:9)

2. Cast Your Cares Upon Him—while you’re with God, you might as well put everything you’re carrying in His hands, including yourself! He already knows about it all. You’re not hiding anything from Him. Nothing you’re feeling or thinking will surprise Him, and He invites you to cast it all upon Him any way—so go for it! (1 Peter 5:7)

3. Meditate on Biblical Principles—choose a passage, a promise, or a verse and just rest upon it. Chew on it slowly and let it sink deep. Find a place to jot down some reflections. What you meditate upon has much to do with your attitudes and actions. (Ps. 1:2)

4. Listen to Godly Music—whether with an iPod, a CD player, or just your voice—set aside time to really listen to Christ-honoring music. Think about the message and let God’s Holy Spirit restore and encourage you. Music is one of God’s great gifts to help us walk in the Spirit. (Ps. 118:14)

5. Read an Encouraging Book—pick up something biblical and enjoyable—a biography of a great Christian or an inspirational book. Make sure it connects to some practical aspect of your life. (Prov. 25:11)

6. Serve Someone Else—could be your spouse, your kids, your neighbor, a church member, or a local restaurant owner. There’s something really refreshing about choosing to perform a random act of kindness “just because.” If you’re wondering who the Holy Spirit would have you serve, just ask Him. I promise He will bring a name to your mind almost immediately. (1 Cor. 9:19)

7. Share the Gospel with Someone—No matter what’s going on in your life, your whole perspective changes when you set the burdens aside and just share the gospel. Even if you don’t see someone saved, it’s good to know you are laboring together with God. (Eph. 6:15)

8. Rest—sounds so unspiritual compared to the others doesn’t it? But it’s not only spiritual—it’s vital! Quite often, we just run on empty, physically speaking. Sometimes the best thing you can do is “crash!” Don’t set the alarm. Actually sleep, and don’t feel guilty about it. When you’re recharged, you’ll get three times as much done than if you had continued trying to be productive on fumes! (Ps. 127:2)

9. Spend Time with Someone You Love—your spouse, your family, a godly friend. Right relationships are energizing. They have a restoring and renewing quality. Go ahead and spend yourself for others, but be sure you carve out time to be with those who strengthen you in the Lord as well. (Prov. 17:17)

10. Use Your Spiritual Gift(s)—take your unique personality combined with God’s Divine enabling(s) in your life, and put them to use for His purposes. Do what you’re really good at—but do it for God. This is “over-the-top” fun and eternally significant. Nothing puts fresh wind in your sails like investing your life and resources into eternity. (1 Peter 4:10)

When you’re engaging in biblical, renewing activities (like these) then it’s only a matter of time before God breathes new strength into your spiritual life. Patiently enjoy His presence as He renews your strength. (Isa. 40:31)
Thanks to Bro. Cary Schmidt for these insights.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How God Answers Prayer

Too often, people view God as a great cosmic wish granter: they think of their prayers not as petitions, but as demands. Then, if God does not grant their request, they’re thrown into a faith crisis, believing He no longer answers them. The real problem, however, is that they misunderstand how God answers prayer:

Yes. We love this response! There’s nothing more exhilarating or faith-inspiring than watching the Lord move mountains in order to provide what we once saw as impossible.

No. Here is where the problems begin for us. But we must accept the fact that God says “no” to some of our requests. This is certainly not because He’s greedy or uncaring—on the contrary, He is generous, loving, and concerned about His children.

Matthew 7:11 does not say God will give “everything to those who ask Him.” No, it says that our heavenly Father will give what is good to those who ask. Quite often, giving “what is good” means that He doesn’t agree to things He knows are wrong for us.

Wait. This answer can be even harder than a flat-out “no.” Yet some things that are good and right may still be wrong for us today. Remember, God is eternal; He sees all time at the same time. If He regards tomorrow’s blessing as a not goo for us today, He’ll withhold it for a season until we’re ready to receive it.

Do not be misled if God’s response is not what you expected—or wanted—to hear. Instead, praise the Lord for answering our requests the way He knows they should be answered!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Having a Rich Prayer Life

Ephesians 3:16-19

Conversations that are repetitive can cause us to lose interest. Prayer is conversation with our heavenly Father. If we reduce our prayers to a formula or routine, the effect can weaken our desire to talk to God. Paul's prayers are just the opposite—energizing and full of life.
Consider his words as recorded in Ephesians chapter three. He asked God to help the Ephesians (and, in fact, all believers): To live life in God's supernatural power. (verse 16-17a) The most important battles take place on the inside of us—in our mind and emotions. Paul asked God to strengthen our "inner man" so we can stand firm. He desired that our conduct be increasingly controlled by the Holy Spirit. That way, we can exhibit the life of Jesus in greater measure.
The apostle also asked God to help us comprehend Christ's all-embracing love for us. (verse 17b-19) Paul wanted us to know three things about this subject: 1) We are rooted and established in the love of God, who sacrificed His Son for us, and in the love of Jesus, who died in our place; 2) Our life in Jesus is to be nourished by His unchanging affection for us; and 3) Christ's agape love is so wide and deep that it surpasses our understanding. Experiencing Jesus' love gives us confidence to face whatever God allows in our life. It also enables us to care deeply for others.
The apostle Paul based his praise and petitions on the truths of God. The result was a rich and powerful prayer life. What about your your prayer life—is it growing stale? Follow Paul's example and pray the Scriptures. Imagine how exciting it will be to see God answer your requests according to His Word.