Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Understanding the Early Years of Adulthood - Part Three

Who will you hang around and spend time with? Who will you be like and be associated with? What kind of person do you want to become? Who will you decide you want acceptance from and why even care about acceptance? These issues are very significant. People will judge you based upon the people you spend time with. “Not fair,” you might think. Wrong. It’s completely fair, and you do the same thing. You’re human, and God makes it clear that man looks at the outward appearance (1 Samuel 16:7).
“Yeah, but God looks at the heart,” you argue.
Yeah, but man looks at the outward appearance. People only have what you give them to formulate their opinion of you. If it’s a bad opinion, it’s probably your fault. Don’t go blaming everyone else for misjudging you. Take a look in the mirror and study what you’re giving them to work with. Start with a good look at your friends.
The fact is people are right in judging you this way because you will become like the people you spend time with. So rather than looking for who’s cool, who’s “in,” or who’s acceptable, start looking for who you want to be like and be associated with and make them your friends. Hopefully, those people will be people who are faithful to God and serving Him. This decision determines who you will be like which again has profound effects on everything else—who will marry you, who will hire you, who will help you in time of trial…on and on.