Friday, December 11, 2009

Principles in Developing Biblical Standards

Here are the first ten of twenty-eight principles in developing Biblical standards:
1. The Principle of Vision: The eye affects the mind, and the mind affects the body.
2. The Principle of Representation: I represent Christ in everything I do and say.
3. The Principle of Fellowship: God commands me to fellowship with other believers from my church.
4. The Principle of Holiness: Because I belong to God, I must be holy.
5. The Principle of Light and Darkness: As a Christian, I have nothing in common with the world.
6. The Principle of Impact: My actions will influence others.
7. The Principle of Replacement: Wrong must be replaced with right.
8. The Principle of Affections: I must make the eternal more important than the earthly.
9. The Principle of Association: Wrong associations lead to wrong behavior.
10. The Principle of Priorities: Jesus should be Number One.