Friday, April 2, 2010

Questions of Young Christian Singles

It is extremely important that young Christian singles have a place where they can air important questions about the needs in their lives. In order for a student ministry to be effective, older teens and young adults need to be able to approach a spiritual leader with these questions. It is imperative that spiritual leaders convey approachability to those they lead.

Here are questions that are on most of the minds of older teens and young singles:

1. How do your parents’ roles change as you get older?
2. How can you be 100% sure about God’s will for your life?
3. How do I discern or understand that God is leading in a certain direction?
4. Where/how do you draw the line on music?
5. How do you react/talk to friends who have trials that you can’t understand?
6. How do I deal with co-workers who ridicule me for being a Christian? (How can I witness to my co-workers?)
7. How do you not let fear of the future stop you from moving forward?
8. Dating—finding the right person, developing a godly relationship, when to say “I love you,” parents’ approval, dealing with breaking up, being physical, etc.
9. How do I approach my finances—budgeting, saving, giving, etc.?
10. How can I handle trials and stay faithful through them?
11. How do I deal with spiritual struggles—my relationship with God being up and down or failing in the same areas over and over?
12. How can I help a friend that I’m burdened for who is drifting away from the Lord?

Those of us who have been placed by a pastor in these areas of ministry should make sure we're addressing these topics regularly and biblically. I would emphasize that only those whom a pastor has authorized should deal with young people in these areas; people with the same heart and biblical convictions of a pastor. I would also encourage parents to seek godly counsel from their pastor on how they can deal with these topics. Our older teens and single young adults need sound, spiritual leaders to lead them in the paths of righteousness for the Lord's sake (Psalm 23:3).