Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Welcome to the "Mistake Zone"

The 10 Most Dangerous Years of Everybody's Life -

If you are between the ages of 17 and 27, you are living in the 10 most dangerous years of your life. One leading author in the area of student ministries calls this time period the "Mistake Zone." It is the time of life when almost all of your biggest decisions will be made, yet it is the time of life when you are the very least equipped to make those decisions. Sounds scary? You bet. Can you avoid it? Absolutely not! Welcome to the "Mistake Zone!"

Thankfully, you're not alone. But before you make major decisions, take a look around you at the landscape of people who have been through the "Mistake Zone." You will find casualties no matter where you look. You'll find unwanted pregnancies, abortions, and sexually transmitted diseases. You'll find drunkenness, drug abuse, and chain smokers. You'll find divorce, custody battles, and broken lives. You'll find relational abuse, substance abuse, and sexual abuse. You'll find bad credit, lost jobs, and bad investments. You'll find school dropouts, down-and-outers, and even up-and-outers. You'll find casualties on skid row and at the Ritz Carlton. No one is exempt from the pain and scars of the "Mistake Zone". Not even you.

So think about it. Here's a list of decisions that you will probably make between the ages of 17 and 27:

1. College
2. Dating
3. First Job
4. First Car
5. Friends
6. Career Field
7. Marriage
8. Career Location
9. Living Place
10. Children and Family
11. Church
12. Personal Walk with Christ
13. Life's Purpose and Mission
14. Financial Values

That's a pretty long list. Most of these decisions will be made over the next 10 or so years. These things are gigantic! Furthermore, you're just starting out with no way of really knowing for sure which way is right for your future. At first it seems odd that God would throw these things upon you so early in life. He knows you are not ready, but He put you here anyway. Makes you wonder what kind of sense of humor He really has doesn't it?

Over the next several weeks I will post some thoughts on Biblical Decision-Making. Be sure and check back to this blog often.